The BioBridge provides key connections between clinicians, researchers, and industry within the health innovation ecosystems of Australia and New Zealand. This Trans-Tasman collaboration helps spark conversations and build anchored science and business partnerships with long-term strategic benefits for the development of new healthcare technologies and business opportunities. 

The BioBridge is hosted by the the Liverpool Innovation Precinct and the Auckland Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland, on behalf of the Consortium for Medical Device Technologies (CMDT). Stage 1 of the BioBridge project has been funded as an MBIE Catalyst Influence Activities Project from 2020 to 2023. 

Trans-Tasman connections are supported through curated workshops and 1:1 meetings. Our workshops each have a unique focus topic and team of experts from both Australia and New Zealand; currently these are all online. Our delegation exchanges will resumes as COVID-19 permits. 

The BioBridge is open to researchers, clinicians, and companies within the health tech and medtech space; more specifically, in medical devices and digital health.

​Researchers across the Tasman have used this platform to develop new partnerships with complementary expertise and knowledge, whilst companies have used this to help identify key opinion leaders and specific business expertise.

Previous Workshops

Covid Accelerating Technology

Covid-19 has been the topic of focus worldwide for the past 2 years, with the pandemic having an effect on almost every aspect of life. As no surprise, the delivery and organisation of healthcare services has had to respond and adapt with this ever developing situation to ensure patients are still receiving the care they require; and technology has been a key player. Remote monitoring, telehealth and wearables are just some of the technologies currently used, however, this space is continuing to evolve as we understand more about long-covid and future pandemic management. This workshop brings together a panel of experts exploring Covid-19, the potential long term effects and the technologies assisting healthcare during this pandemic and for the future.

AI in Health

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on the idea that devices can replicate human decision-making and Machine Learning (ML), human learning behaviours. AI has now been adopted in many industry sectors such as finance, telecommunications and more recently law. However, its ability to change the way healthcare is delivered attracts the most interest and promise as well as being controversial.

This workshop brings together a panel to explore some of the areas where AI and ML are being investigated to help transform healthcare delivery and possibly solve some of our biggest health challenges.

Current Partnerships

Key Contacts